The Guernsey County Foundation Endowment Fund Donors

Guernsey County Foundation Founding Donors in 1988
- AVC Communications
- Colegate-Palmolive
- Community Industrial Association
- The Daily Jeffersonian
- U.S. Bank
G.D. Agnew Scholarship Fund
To provide educational support to seniors from Buckeye Trail High School, Cambridge High School and Meadowbrook High School accepted into and attending accredited two-year & four-year institutions and vocational programs.
Antrim Community Cemetery Association Endowment Fund
To support the charitable, educational and public purposes of Antrim, including maintenance, repair, restoration, preservation, beautification of public areas.
Byesville Rotary Fund
Endowment Fund –Donate
These are scholarships for the Rolling Hills School District seniors going to college. The Byesville Rotary saved money from their annual Scholarship Golf Outing. They continue to deposit regularly to this fund and are happy with its continued growth. The Byesville Rotary holds the Golf Outing each spring to build their fund and offer scholarships.
Cambridge City Schools Alumni and Friends Educational Fund
Scholarship Fund –Donate The Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund is a community-based trust established to receive contributions from individuals, families, small groups, organizations and businesses for the purpose of promoting academic excellence and enhancing the educational experience of all Cambridge City School students through classroom enrichment. Contributions shall be donation and/or property that are placed in trust. Classroom enrichment shall include academic and fine arts activities selected by the designated committee of the Cambridge Alumni and Friends Educational Fund trustees. The board of trustees that governs the fund and its policies include Cambridge alumni, community leaders and representatives and friends of the Cambridge City schools. All contributions to the fund are tax deductible. As contributions accumulate year after year, the fund will continue to grow and serve Cambridge’s students and educators in future years. The fund provides a vehicle for alumni, friends and supporters of academic excellence for the Cambridge City Schools to provide a contribution outside of the traditional funding sources to enrich and enhance the educational experience of students in the Cambridge City School District.Cambridge Singers Scholarship Fund
Endowed Scholarship Fund –Donate The Cambridge Singers, founded in 1964, is a mixed chorus centered in Cambridge, OH. Its goal is to play a vital role in the community’s performing arts offerings with an emphasis on vocal music. Since 1983, the Cambridge Singers have encouraged local youths to pursue music as a career by awarding at least one college scholarship annually. This scholarship is awarded to a declared music major and is currently based on proceeds from the Spring Show and Annual Patron Drive. In 2007, the Cambridge Singers board of directors voted to join the FAO to assure that its name and scholarship legacy live on. Shortly thereafter, however, the stock market plummeted downward and the economic recession began. The board to date has decided to wait for economic recovery before awarding its first scholarship rather than delve into its principal investment.
Charles E. Chippi Scholarship Fund –Donate
The Charles E. Chippi Scholarship Fund annually provides scholarship opportunities for graduating Guernsey County high school seniors pursuing post-secondary studies in education. Chuck was a retired school administrator having served 42 years with several local school districts: Rolling Hills, Cambridge and Shenandoah. A 1953 graduate of Valley Local High School, he received his bachelor’s degree from Ohio University and later earned his Master’s in Education from WVU. He was born and raised in Derwent, Ohio. Chuck was a member of the St. Michael’s Byzantine Catholic Church, Ohio Teachers Association, Atwood Bass Anglers, Rolling Hills Hall of Fame, and Buffalo Alumni Hall of Fame. He also volunteered his time and talents at Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center and was on the board of the Guernsey County Senior Center. Chuck wanted to provide a legacy gift through a scholarship to a student wanting to major in education.
CHS Class of 1957 Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
These are college scholarships for graduating Cambridge High School students. This fund came to be by various classmates who wanted to pay back for a good education they received at CHS. The fund has provided five $750 scholarships.
Citizens for Rolling Hills Schools Fund
Endowment Fund – Donate
The Citizens for Rolling Hills Schools Endowment Fund was established to ensure students and teachers have access to resources for programs and activities that enhance and enrich their educational experience. The fund makes a tremendous difference by promoting academic excellence and enhancing the educational experience of students and teachers of the Rolling Hills School System.
Our fund will work to provide all Rolling Hills students with the opportunites needed to succeed in our changing world. Gifts to the fund are placed in a permanent endowment account with FAO and governed by a committee of alumni, community leaders, retired educators and friends of the school.
The Rolling Hills School Fund provides a permanent vehicle for alumni, friends and supporters of academic excellence to provide contributions outside traitional funding sources to ensure Rolling Hils students and teachers have access to a permanent resource for enriching educational programs and activities. All contributions are fully tax deductible.
Jenny Cornelius-Woltz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
A fund to honor the life and memory of Jenny Cornelius-Woltz by providing scholarship awards to deserving students gradutating from John Glenn High School with an interest in nursing.
Don Coss Memorial Scholarship Fund
Don Coss’s legacy will live on through a scholarship fund for players on the Post 84 Cambridge American Legion Baseball Team. Through a bequest in Mr. Coss’s will, players can receive support for post-secondary studies through the new Don Coss Memorial Scholarship Fund, part of the Guernsey County Foundation Family of Funds.
The first year, the fund awarded eight $1,00 scholarship to Guernsey County students. Awards were granted to James Antalis, Charles Beaver, Quintin Fettes, Benjamin Standiford and Dillon Sunnafrank of Cambridge, as-well-as James Luyster of Quaker City, Zachary Roe of Lore City and Ian Wildes of Salesville.

Mr. Coss was very involved in his community, serving on City Council, on the local school board, and as city treasurer, but he was best known in Guernsey County as “Mr. Baseball.” Mr. Coss started the American Legion Baseball program in Cambridge and was as passionate about baseball as he was about the young men playing it. When the Legion team started, Mr. Coss would drive 15 – 20 miles outside of Cambridge to pick up players who did not have the means to get to town.
In his will, Mr. Coss left money to start a scholarship program to aid Post 84 Legion players in pursuing vocational programs, associate degree programs, and programs at four-year institutions of higher learning.
“He wanted to be sure these kids get a helping hand as long as possible,” said Ron Antill, Post 84 Legion Team Manager and close friend of Mr. Coss. “His name will be around forever. (Players) won’t know who he was, but that he spent his life helping out kids.”
In establishing the Fund with the Guernsey County Foundation Fund Family of Funds, held with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, Mr. Coss’s trustees and friends were able to create a permanent legacy that would assist Guernsey County students for generations to come.
“The money will be managed long after I’m gone. It should last forever,” Antill said.
The Don Coss Memorial Scholarship Fund is part of the Guernsey County Foundation Fund’s Family of Funds. The Guernsey County Foundation Fund is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the Guernsey County community, both now and for generations to come. More information about the Guernsey County Foundation Fund can be found at, where you can also make a charitable donation to the Don Coss Memorial Scholarship Fund or any other fund under the Guernsey County Foundation Family of Funds. For more information about the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, please visit
Jeff Cox and Jane Schumacher-Cox Family Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
Established in December 2010, the fund provides scholarship support for students attending East Guernsey School District.
East Guernsey Fine and Performing Arts Fund
A field of interest fund under the “Friends of East Guernsey Education Fund” the East Guernsey Fine and Performing Arts funds supports teachers in the East Guernsey School District in implementing fine and performing arts activities and programs.

Eastern Ohio Arts Guild Fund
A fund to support the mission and work of the Eastern Ohio Arts Guild.
Lester D. and Thelma I. Ellwood Educational Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
The Lester D. and Thelma I. Ellwood Educational Scholarship was established through the last-will-and-testament of Thelma I. Ellwood in memory of Lester D. and Thelma I. Ellwood. The purpose of the fund is to assist worthy graduates of Guernsey County high schools pursuing a college education.
To download an application form, visit Lester D. and Thelma I. Ellwood Educational Scholarship at FAO's website.
Myron Fishel Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
A fund to provide scholarships to Guernsey County residents planning and/or pursuing a post-secondary degree at an accredited college in Ohio.
Friends of East Guernsey Education Fund
A fund to support academic and cultural opportunites for students and teachers of East Guernsey Local School District.
Zelma Gray Medical School Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
Before her death in 2007, Zelma Gray established her support for medical professionals and care in Guernsey County through a scholarship fund with WesBanco Trust and Investment Services. Designed to support Guernsey County residents’ pursuit of medical school education as well as encourage that talent to remain in, or return to, Guernsey County to serve its citizens upon completion of medical training. Born in 1919, the late Zelma Gray was a lifelong resident of Guernsey County in Madison Township and a 1937 graduate of Madison Consolidated High School. Throughout her life, Ms. Gray showed her devotion to the Londonderry United Methodist Church as well as her family and friends in the Guernsey County community. Ms.Gray’s scholarship is a testament to her commitment to continued and enhanced quality of life in the area she called home.
Current and recent Guernsey County residents are eligible for the Zelma Gray Medical School Scholarship to cover the cost of tuition, lab fees and text books while pursuing a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) at an accredited medical school within the United States, in hopes that he or she will practice medicine in Guernsey County upon completion of his or her degree and training. Awards will be determined through objective criteria, including MCAT scores and college transcripts.
To download an application form visit Zelma Gray Medical School Scholarship at FAO’s website.
Guernsey County Board of Developmental Disabilities Scholarship Fund
– DonateA fund to support post-secondary pursuits through scholarship awards to Guernsey County residents eligible for services of the Guernsey County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
Guernsey County Drug Coalition Fund - C.H.O.I.C.E.S.
– DonateA fund to support the Guernsey County Drug Coalition through C.H.O.I.C.E.S. - Community, Hope, Opportunity, Independence, Change, Empowerment and Success program.
Guernsey County Education Assistance Grant Fund
– DonateA fund to provide scholarships to Guernsey County residents, including technical and graduate schools.
Formerly 'Dollars for Scholars'
Guernsey County Senior Citizen Center Fund
Endowment Fund – Donate
2017 marked the center’s 45th year of offering an assortment of services and recreational activities to senior citizens aged 60 and older throughout the county. The center can now continue to offer these services for years to come, thanks to an endowment fund with FAO. The fund helps to secure the future of the organization and encourage the growth of the center and its programs. It also allows for donations to be contributed to the agency.
”By creating the fund with the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, we have helped to diminish concern of where our money is going and focus more on the commitment of providing services to senior citizens,” said Shon Gress, executive director of the Guernsey County Senior Citizen Center.
Gulfport Energy Fund
– DonateA corporate advised fund serving to support the communities where Gulport operates, including Belmont, Guernsey, Harrison, Jefferson, Monroe and Noble counties.
Miriam Hawes Legacy Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
Established in 2011, the Miriam Hawes Legacy Scholarship Fund provides scholarship support to deserving students graduating from Rolling Hills School District, while honoring the legacy of Miriam and her passion for education.
Mary Kackley-Brill Scholarship Fund
– DonateScholarship Fund established by Madison High School Alumni Assn. –Donate
Established on January 3, 2006, this fund provides scholarship support to a graduating senior from Buckeye Trail High School and residing in the general area of the former school district of Madison High School.
Mary E. Knauer Scholarship Fund
– DonateA fund to provide scholarship awards to Cambridge and area high school seniors pursuing post-secondary studies in the field of music.
Leadership Guernsey Fund
Endowment Fund – Donate
Established on January 17, 2006, this fund helps to maintain a forum where emerging and potential leaders of Guernsey County can establish a communications network enabling the assembly and exchange of ideas to enhance quality of life within the Guernsey community.
The Living Word Outdoor Drama Endowment Fund
– DonateAn organizational fund to support the mission and programs of the Living Word Outdoor Drama.
Micahel C. Long Scholarship Fund
– DonateA fund to provide scholarship support to Buckeye Hills students, with a priority to those living in Quaker City and to students attending The Ohio State University and majoring in engineering.
Gary Lucas Memorial Scholarship Fund
– DonateA fund to provide scholarship awards to graduating seniors of Buckeye Trail majoring in education.
Madison High School Alumni Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
This fund is used to create two scholarships for students graduating from Buckeye Trail High School.
Rose Elizabeth Bell MacConkey Scholarship Fund
– DonateTo provide support for educational scholarships to female students graduating from Cambridge High School pursuing studies and a career in business.
James R. Milligan Fund
– DonateA fund to provide support to Cambridge City Schools, with the priority of providing two $500 educational scholarships to both a male and female Cambridge High School student in the National Honor Society.
Blaine and Martha Neilley Family Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
A donor-advised fund supporting the Guernsey County community. This scholarship is open to any high school graduate (public, private or home schooled) of Guernsey County, Ohio. $500 will be awarded to a student entering their sophomore year or later at a 2- or 4-year school or college, pursuing a degree in agriculture or related studies (e.g. veterinary medicine, forestry, agronomy, horticulture, natural resources, agricultural education or engineering, etc.)
Ohio Arts and Crafts Foundation Fund
– DonateTo support the arts and crafts in Southeastern Ohio and the mission of the Ohio Arts and Crafts Foundation including the annual Salt Fork and Crafts Festival.
OLd Guernsey County Conservation Association Fund
– DonateA fund to support historic preservation for Guernsey County nonprofits. Formerly Old Cambridge Conservation Association
Frank & Esther Ricketts Memorial Fund
– DonateFrank and Esther Ricketts grew up in Coshocton. The daughter of Michael G. and Mahala Emler, Esther attended Ohio State University and taught home economics at Conesville High School after receiving her degree. Frank, the son of Frank H. and Ethel Ricketts, attended Marietta College and then began managing the family business, Ricketts Farm Hatcheries on Clark Street in Cambridge.
After their marriage in 1939, they purchased a house at 1244 Clark St. across from the business. They built a new home at 1301 Clark St. where they raised their children, Tom, Sue and Bob. Frank ran the business while Esther assisted him and taught kindergarten at Oakland Elementary School.

Frank transitioned his business into an Airstream travel trailer dealership in the early 1960s. A natural salesperson, he ranked as one of the top 10 dealers in the country for Airstream, in spite of being the only employee of his dealership. Guernsey Memorial Hospital purchased the Clark Street property in the 1970s and Frank and Esther moved to E. Wheeling Avenue and I-77 where he continued his business.
The two were active at First United Methodist Church, where Esther taught Sunday school and worked in the youth programs. Frank served on the Cambridge School Board and was active in the Kiwanis Club.
Esther passed away in 1981 and Frank died in 1998.
Tom who lives in Memphis, Tenn., his sister, Sue (Sayre), a resident of Springfield and brother, Bob, living in North Carolina, wanted a way to honor their parents who loved Cambridge so much. After looking at a number of options, they decided that the Guernsey County Foundation offered the best choice to accomplish their goals, so they established The Frank and Esther Ricketts Memorial Fund to benefit charitable needs in the area.
“The establishment of the Frank and Esther Ricketts Fund, by their children, in their honor is a wonderful gift for the community. As the Guernsey County Foundation and the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio continue to partner by helping donors plan their philanthropic giving. We are always excited when we are able to help them meet their goals. We thank the Ricketts’ children for thinking of Cambridge with this generous gift that will continue to benefit the community for years to come,” said Maribeth Wright, president of the Guernsey County Foundation.
Kevin Ritz Family Foundation Fund
Donor-Advised Fund – Donate
Former Colorado Rockies Baseball pitcher Kevin Ritz and his wife, Sally, say sharing their resources is about supporting what has been most important to them, including community services, increased recreational opportunities for young people, and an enhanced quality of life for families and children in the area where they live. Kevin says Little League and Babe Ruth baseball were instrumental in shaping who he is today; they provided important growth opportunities and he wants to ensure the same for youth in the area where he, Sally, and their children now call home.
Establishing the Kevin Ritz Family Foundation at the FAO has helped Kevin and Sally meet this goal. Through working with FAO, the Ritzes were able to focus on their donations while the FAO handled the administrative and investment responsibilities of their fund.
The Foundation holds an Annual Golf Outting to support “The Challenger League” which is a baseball league for youth with disabilities. The Foundation also sponsors the Guernsey County Dental lab.
Paul Sayanek Scholarship Fund
– DonateA fund established at the bequest of Paul Sayanek to provide scholarships to school seniors graduating from Guernsey County High Schools.
Winnie Mae Sharpe Education Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
Established on August 30, 2005, this fund provides scholarship support to deserving students residing in the Byesville area and graduating from Meadowbrook High School in Guernsey County, wishing to major in education.
East Guernsey Schools Fine and Performing Arts Fund
This is a “sub-fund” created under the Friends of East Guernsey Education Fund to support teachers in the East Guernsey School District in implementing fine and performing arts activities and programs.
Rolling Hills Foundation Scholarship Program Fund
Serving to provide additional funding to existing scholarships made available only to students at Meadowbrook High School. This fund was created to support the Rolling Hills School District and its Scholarship Program.
Nicolozakes Trucking & Construction, Inc. Fund
A Pillar of Prosperity Fund supporting the region's most pressing needs and exciting opportunities in the field of environmental stewardship
Scottish Rite Valley of Cambridge Endowment Fund
A designated fund to support the charitable, educational and public purposes of the Scottish Rite Valley of Cambridge.
Southeastern Ohio Regional Medical Center – Guernsey Health Foundation Fund
Endowment Fund – Donate
In 1967, men of the community donated $100 each and formed the Guernsey Memorial Centurion Club with the specific purpose of providing for future improvements of the hospital on an annual basis. The group later become known as Guernsey Health Foundation Family of Friends. The name changed to reflect the variety of donors and the amounts they contribute. All donations made to the fund are used to purchase equipment or benefit patient care at Southeastern Medical Center. Donations are never used for operating expenses or associate salaries.
Doug Steele Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
A fund to honor the legacy of Doug Steele by providing scholarship awards to graduating seniors of Cambridge High School, with a priority to those pursuing a business specialty major.
Doug devoted a great deal of his life to sports; in particular, to golf. It would have been his wish to assemble his many friends, family, and colleagues to participate in an annual golf outing. Each year family and friends of Doug Steele are present an Annual Golf Fore Life Tournament. All proceeds will benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. In the inaugural year, the proceeds were distributed equally between two charities – The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and the Doug Steele Memorial Scholarship Fund, which was established on June 7, 2006. In that first year, we were able to jumpstart Doug’s annual scholarship – awarded to a graduating senior at Doug’s alma mater, Cambridge High School. A portion of our donation helped fund important research projects, including a T-cell Lymphoma study being conducted at The Ohio State University. Three scholarships awarded, one annually since 2008. In addition, our proceeds benefitted the local chapter of the LLS.For more information visit the Doug Steele Memorial Golf Fore Life Tournament website.
The Stemmer Family Foundation Fund
– DonateA donor-advised fund supporting the Guernsey County community.
Sara Lee Stevens-Youngs Family Memorial Fund
– DonateA donor-advised fund supporting the Guernsey County community and beyond.
Loran & Shirley Stutz Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
Established on January 2, 2009, this donor advised fund is used to benefit Guernsey County.
Loran & Shirley Stutz Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund – Donate
A fund to provide scholarships to students residing in the East Guernsey school district, including home-schooled students.
Tostenson Family Foundation Fund
– DonateA donor-advised fund supporting the Guernsey County community.
United Way of Guernsey, Monroe & Noble Endowment Fund
– DonateA fund to support the United Way of Guernsey and Noble Counties, Incorporated and its mission to lead the community's efforts in improving the quality of life for those in need, by using locally raised money to help those people who live in Guernsey, Monroe and Noble counties.
Maribeth Wright Community & Economic Development Fund for Appalachian Ohio
– DonateA Pillar of Prosperity Fund supporting the region's most pressing needs and exciting opportunities in the field of community and economic development.
Guernsey County Education Assistance Grant Fund
– DonateThough the name has changed formerly Dollars for Scholars, the mission has not. The Guernsey County Education Assistance Grant Fund is a scholarship fund established to support students who are residents of Guernsey County at the time of their graduation or those with an equivalent degree and 10 years of residency in the county. Scholarships from the Fund are available for four years and can be used in non-consecutive years and for varied educational pursuits, including technical schools and graduate schools. Guernsey County citizens who may be returning to school years after completing their high school degrees can also make use of the scholarships.
Mandy McGlumphy Social Work Scholarship
The purpose of the Fund shall be to provide support for educational scholarships to students who are accepted into and attend accredited programs providing training and certification in various trades and fields of vocational interest, associate degree programs and four year institutions of higher learning.
All scholarship awards must be used for tuition and related expenses at the recipient’s education institution. In particular, scholarships will be award from the Fund to students meeting the following criteria:
- Graduating senior or past graduate of a school in the following counties: Belmont, Guernsey, Monroe, Morgan, Muskingum, Noble, Perry or Washington and
- Pursuing studies in the field of mental health, with a priority to those pursuing social work or counseling
McGlumphy Family Fund
A donor-advised fund supporting the Guernsey County community.